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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2022, 10(2), 57-69
DOI: 10.12691/JBMS-10-2-2
Original Research

Strategic Implications of Carrying out Public Sector Reforms in a National Police Service Organization: An Empirical Investigation of National Police Service in Kenya

Philip Ouma Awino1, , James M. Kilika1 and Stephen M.A Muathe1

1Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

Pub. Date: March 15, 2022

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Philip Ouma Awino, James M. Kilika and Stephen M.A Muathe. Strategic Implications of Carrying out Public Sector Reforms in a National Police Service Organization: An Empirical Investigation of National Police Service in Kenya. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2022; 10(2):57-69. doi: 10.12691/JBMS-10-2-2


The study reports the findings of an empirical investigation on the experience of carrying out a public sector reform program in the National Police Service (NPS) in Kenya. The study conceptualized the reform program as an aspect of Organization Development (OD) process and anchored it on the aspects of strategic change. A representative sample of 294 senior officers in the NPS was drawn from the Nairobi Metropolitan Region and a structured questionnaire used to obtain the data. Data was obtained on the extent of implementation of four components of the OD process and the level of performance attained. The findings indicate that the police reforms anchored on the OD model were implemented to a moderate extent and that the corresponding level of performance was at the level of low extent. The four components of OD adopted in the study explain a relatively low percentage of the variation in performance of the NPS (Adj R2=0.35) and while three of the components have a positive effect, OD Diagnosis has a significant negative effect on NPS Performance. The study explained both the level of variation and direction of effect to be associated with the lack of embracing a strategic orientation in designing and implementing the reforms. The findings confirm the theoretical and conceptual literatures advocating for integration of OD and strategic management and identifies the relevant implications for strategic management theory and practice.


organization development, national police service, performance, Kenya, OD diagnosis, action planning, intervention, evaluation


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