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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2014, 2(3), 58-68
DOI: 10.12691/JBMS-2-3-1
Review Article

Dialectical Model of Marketing versus Trends and Fashions{1}

Jorge Enrique Garcés Cano1,

1Independent Scientific Investigator, Several Institutions of Superior Education-ISE in Colombia, Bogotá, D.C, Colombia

Pub. Date: August 01, 2014

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Jorge Enrique Garcés Cano. Dialectical Model of Marketing versus Trends and Fashions{1}. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2014; 2(3):58-68. doi: 10.12691/JBMS-2-3-1


Marketing is a completely developing paradigm. In spite of nearly metaphysical, esoteric, anti-scientifically approached trends and fashions are increasingly contributing to identify more elements bringing it closer to the science like a technology{2}. That is, an applied social science by establishing concepts and relations between Strategic and Tactic (operational) issues; its Identification, Creation, Communication and Value-Exchange and Usage-Delivery Processes, and its Functions; this elements, parts or components, and its instruments (tools). Marketing thought and strategic planning become highly outstanding in a world where the so-called services-simply, intangibles-are progressively weighing in the economical context, inside or outside the capitalist production mode. No matter tangibles or intangibles are merchandized: the dialectic relation between Strategy and Tactics does not change, though particularities in the operational usage of the different variables in the Marketing Mix do. This is another important aspect to keep in mind. It is evident that this work does not correspond to an empiric investigation, but to a theoretical-conceptual position of rupture; that is, a true theory; the exercises of empiric validation that can be undertaken starting from the well norm in the classic or traditional marketing literature, and it is not objective to the present written.


capitalism, applied science, merchandizing, business communication, demand, dialectics, dynamics, economics, strategy, growth strategy, competitiveness strategy, positioning strategy, sales management, marketing, market, needs, strategic marketing objectives, offer, comprehensive product, conditions of satisfaction, customer service, systemic, tactics, technical segmentation, technology, exchange value, use value


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