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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2019, 7(2), 72-83
DOI: 10.12691/JBMS-7-2-3
Original Research

Interrelationships between Viral Marketing and Purchase Intention via Customer-Based Brand Equity

Hsiang-Hsi Liu1, and Yu-Ning Wang2

1Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of International Business, National Taipei University, Taiwan

22Master, Graduate Institute of International Business, National Taipei University, Taiwan

Pub. Date: May 10, 2019

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Hsiang-Hsi Liu and Yu-Ning Wang. Interrelationships between Viral Marketing and Purchase Intention via Customer-Based Brand Equity. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2019; 7(2):72-83. doi: 10.12691/JBMS-7-2-3


The advent of the Internet has presented several challenges as well as opportunities for marketers. Marketers have found more innovative methods of communicating effectively with their target market, and viral marketing is one of these methods. This study tries to explore interrelationships between viral marketing and purchase intention via customer-based brand equity. The empirical results reveal that viral marketing is made up of interesting, useful and informative subjects; message interaction; message reception; and offensive content, in which each had differing effects on customer-based brand equity and purchase intention. Additionally, we also find that the interaction with viral marketing messages is extremely important in order to positively influence either brand equity or purchase intentions, because mere message reception have detrimental effects on brand equity and purchase intention. Furthermore, by including brand equity as a mediator, the negative effect of message reception on consumer purchase intentions can be transformed into a positive effect.


viral marketing, customer-based brand equity, purchase intention, advertising


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