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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2020, 8(1), 21-27
DOI: 10.12691/JBMS-8-1-4
Original Research

The Relationships between Healthy and Unhealthy Types of the Organizational Personality and Innovative Performance: A Comparison between Egyptian and International Organizations

Amgad Bahaa EL Din Abdel-Raheem1, and Mohamed Saad2

1Arab Academy for Sciences, Technology and Maritime Transport

2Organizational studies, The British University in Egypt

Pub. Date: March 07, 2020

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Amgad Bahaa EL Din Abdel-Raheem and Mohamed Saad. The Relationships between Healthy and Unhealthy Types of the Organizational Personality and Innovative Performance: A Comparison between Egyptian and International Organizations. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2020; 8(1):21-27. doi: 10.12691/JBMS-8-1-4


Background: The seven organizational personality types affect the innovative performance. This study was aimed to highlight the three healthy and four unhealthy types of the organizational personality and how it can improve the innovative performance with the comparison between Egyptian and international organizations in Egypt. Methods: A total of 200 questionnaires were included in this study (100 questionnaires for employees from Egyptian organizations and 100 questionnaires for employees from international organizational organizations in Egypt). Results: in this study, there is interaction between types of organizational personality and type of the organization on the effects of organizational personality on the innovative performance by 24% in the Egyptian organizations and by 14.8% in the international organizations in Egypt. Conclusions: There was a positive relation between the three heathy organizational personality types and the innovative performance in both local and international organizations in Egypt and there was a negative relation between the four unhealthy organizational personality types and the innovative performance in both local and international organizations in Egypt.


types of the organizational personality and innovative performance


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