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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2021, 9(1), 12-16
DOI: 10.12691/JBMS-9-1-2
Original Research

Applying Fuzzy AHP to Evaluate the Key Selection Criteria for Green Hotel Operation Managers

Chien-Chung Yu1 and Chun-Chu Liu2,

1Department of Tourism and Recreation Management, Fooyin University, Taiwan

2College of Continuing Education, Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan

Pub. Date: January 12, 2021

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Chien-Chung Yu and Chun-Chu Liu. Applying Fuzzy AHP to Evaluate the Key Selection Criteria for Green Hotel Operation Managers. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2021; 9(1):12-16. doi: 10.12691/JBMS-9-1-2


In the past few decades, environmental sustainability has become the most important issue in international politics. Green issues are recognized as a key driver of innovation. As green marketing has become an important tool for sustainable business strategies, the hotel service industry has become more sophisticated in terms of service quality due to consumer awareness. Companies are adopting green marketing practices to achieve better business performance. Therefore, the professional ability and workplace attitude of professional managers of green hotels have become an important human resource management direction in the operation strategy. When green hotels are selecting professional managers, how should decision-makers choose the talents needed by green hotels? This article uses Fuzzy AHP to explore the impact. Twelve senior hotel industry experts evaluate the impact under six dimensions. The weight of the degree, knowing that "execution" is the priority factor, it is more important to choose "implementation" among the 19 key indicators, and it is also necessary to have "communication ability", the crisis under the "communication ability" Handling ability, "Customer complaint response", and "Workplace interpersonal relationship" are also important indicators for selection. The conclusions and recommendations of this study are the key selection criteria for green hotel operation managers.


Fuzzy AHP, green hotel, operation managers, green human resources


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