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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2023, 11(2), 101-114
DOI: 10.12691/JBMS-11-2-2
Original Research

The Relationship between Agility Drivers, Agility Capabilities and Organizational Sustainability

Riad Fawzy1, and Dr. Mohamed Saad2

1Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Graduate School of Business

2Professor of Organization Studies British University in Egypt

Pub. Date: March 14, 2023

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Riad Fawzy and Dr. Mohamed Saad. The Relationship between Agility Drivers, Agility Capabilities and Organizational Sustainability. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2023; 11(2):101-114. doi: 10.12691/JBMS-11-2-2


Purpose: This paper seeks to investigate the relationship between Agility Drivers, Agile Capabilities and Organizational Sustainability in Real Estate firms, illustrating how organizations can utilizes their capabilities to foster the adoption of sustainability and maintain their competitiveness in an ever changing turbulent and ambiguous business environment. “Agility drivers” are defined as the external challenges (Opportunities or Threats) that might impact an organization. While “Agile capabilities” are the internal attributes or capabilities that an organization possess to deal with such challenges [1]. Additionally, “Organizational sustainability” can be identified as the processes or structures that an organization uses to meet its sustainability goals and objectives while transforming inputs into a products or services [2]. As such an empirical study was conducted to test our hypothesis. Aim and Objective The importance of this research is driven from the increasing influence of sustainability and how it will shape tomorrow’s world, by being an objective for a Global wholesome development. This research aims to explore the importance of adapting sustainability and how to impacts competitiveness, development, and the ability of an organization to sustain in a rapidly changing world. Hypotheses: This study has managed to examine the impact of Agility Drivers on Agile Capabilities and Organizational Sustainability in Real Estate Firms. Where Agile capabilities were found to be a mediator in the relationship while Agility Drives (Independent Variable) represented by dimensions such as Change in Market, Customer Preference, Competition, Technological shifts in addition to Changes in the Social and Legal aspects are regarded as drivers of Agility & Organizational sustainability accordingly the conceptual model and the Hypothesis were developed to test the questioned relations. Design/methodology/approach: The paper provides a research model based on extensive research and a detailed literature evaluation that simulates the paper variables and their interactions. Based on this model, research hypotheses will be developed that will be tested further via a survey incorporating primary data and analysis. Our target respondents were Egyptian Real Estate firms’ practitioners. The sample size was determined by 384 This means 384 or more measurements/surveys are needed to have a confidence level of 95% that the real value is within ±5% margin of error from the measured/surveyed value. Main result: According to the results obtained from analyzing the data, it was found that all the direct relation were significant, Agility Drivers impacts Agile Capabilities and Organizational Sustainability moreover, Agile Capabilities significantly impacts Organizational Sustainability. Thus, the direct effects were proven, and were highly significant Finally the Indirect relationships were investigated in the analysis and the results revealed proving that Agile Capabilities (Mediator) is a partial mediator with a significant impact.


agility drivers, agility capabilities, organizational sustainability, real estate in Egypt


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