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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2019, 7(1), 1-11
DOI: 10.12691/JBMS-7-1-1
Original Research

Retailers Benefits from Manufacturers’ Brands a Study of the Egyptian Hypermarkets Industry

Marwa Elgebali1,

1Business school, Newgiza University, Cairo, Egypt

Pub. Date: January 16, 2019

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Marwa Elgebali. Retailers Benefits from Manufacturers’ Brands a Study of the Egyptian Hypermarkets Industry. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2019; 7(1):1-11. doi: 10.12691/JBMS-7-1-1


Purpose: -The research primary aim is to explore the role that manufacturer's brand play in the retailer's satisfaction. A conceptual model of manufacturer's brand benefits from the retailer’s perspective is tested in the Egyptian hypermarket's industry. Design/methodology/approach: -The study sampled 102 products in 17 chains stores in the country, and also engaged the management of such business entities in a series of interviews during the data collection process. A descriptive approach was utilized, during the data analysis process before the final presentation of the findings in various forms, including tables and figures. Findings: -There is a dire need for the manufacturers to establish positive relationships not only with the retailers but also the end users to enhance satisfaction with their brands. The findings of the study affirm the fact that manufacturer's brand has profound influence on the retailer satisfaction. For instance, a hypothetical test on the satisfaction of the retailer with the product from manufacturer and trust relations affirmed positive outcome. Moreover, the findings of the study further revealed that retailer commitment to manufacturer's brand contributes significantly to the former's satisfaction. Lastly, retailer's assessment of in-store products is another issue that influences the retailer satisfaction. Research limitations and implications: -Further research to assess the manufacturer's brand influence on retailers as well as end consumer is needed, taking into considerations other fundamental factors other than trust, commitment, and store assessment that may impact retailer satisfaction. Originality/value: -The study is the only one to include all Hypermarkets in a fast-growing emerging market like Egypt.


Egypt, purchase behavior, brands, brand awareness, commodity food products, consumer behavior


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