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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2019, 7(1), 25-30
DOI: 10.12691/JBMS-7-1-4
Original Research

Human Capital and Its Impact on Total Productivity within Malian Enterprises: Case of the Enterprise PRIMA

Tiédian Fané1, and Toumani Bagayoko1

1Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Bamako, Mali

Pub. Date: March 04, 2019

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Tiédian Fané and Toumani Bagayoko. Human Capital and Its Impact on Total Productivity within Malian Enterprises: Case of the Enterprise PRIMA. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2019; 7(1):25-30. doi: 10.12691/JBMS-7-1-4


This study highlights the benefit of human capital as generator of the competitiveness for an enterprise. Its overall objective is to set a sufficient guideline for Malian enterprises to implement the impact of human capital on the total productivity. The recommendations could serve as guidelines for Malian companies. Qualitative and quantitative methods, primary and secondary data are used. Secondary data was collected from books, school archives, articles on the internet. Primary data are collected by interview, survey questionnaires and observations. The framework of this research was analyzed using the multiple regression models. Hypothesis tests are used to reject or accept a hypothesis. The student test is used for the individual coefficients evaluation and the Fisher test for the overall evaluation of the model. Excel software was used to calculate p-values and coefficients of determination. The results of the research confirmed that: human capital is a generator of competitiveness for an enterprise. Those results suggest that human capital has a significant impact on an enterprise’s total productivity. The workers can improve their total productivity through voluntary investment in human capital. This study has improved the existing theory of human capital and productivity. A great understanding of the relationship between human capital and the total productivity of an enterprise was made. The theoretical model developed in this study can be used by another enterprise taking into account its specificity. Through this model an enterprise can easily identify its weak points and make the necessary improvements. The enterprise PRIMA needs a substantial investment in health and especially in the training of its workers. The theoretical model is applicable in practice.


human capital, total productivity, competitiveness, multiple regressions


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